Transform your personal expenses into legitimate tax-deductible business expenses, maximizing your deductions and boosting your savings.
Unlock the secrets to effortless tax filing and save hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year with ease and confidence.
Discover the true importance of keeping good records and how it can positively impact your bottom line.
Wave goodbye to tax-related stress and anxiety as you gain the knowledge and tools to navigate the filing process smoothly.
“Linda's insight inside the course gave me the confidence and assurance that I can navigate the financial side
of things in my new business.”
- L. Allen
dreading tax time due to a lack of organization,
constant worry about missed deductions,
uncertainty about your tax liability,
confusion surrounding tax deduction rules?
Purpose of tracking your expenses
Uncover WHY keeping good records is important
Discover how to turn personal expenses into tax deductible business expenses
Reduce stress about filing your taxes
With a better understanding of tax laws, you will know what expenses you can legally deduct
Know what records to keep so you don't need to be afraid of an audit
Link your bank account to software to save time on data entry
Reconcile a bank account to know you are reporting all your expenses
Your Tax Deductions
Feel confident you are maximizing your income by taking all allowable tax deductions
Reduce stress for tax time because you are already prepared
Submit the right paperwork to your tax preparer to save the most money
Share your new learned skills with confidence
I’ve Made it My Passion to Help Entrepreneurs Run Their Businesses Effectively... so they can enjoy time with those they love and have experiences that create memories.
With over 25 years of experience doing small business bookkeeping and preparing tax returns, 21 years as a licensed CPA, and 10 combined years of experience in network marketing, I have the skillset to help you with the financial side of your business.
Accounting and taxes are a necessary part of running a business, but you don’t need to do it alone.
Let me help you with this part of your business so you can focus your time on what's most important.
Here's what you can get inside
the Profit Booster Crash Course
Why it's important to track your expenses
You are an Independent Contractor
Easiest Way to Track Expenses
What is a Business Expense?
Hobby Loss Rules
What Expenses Are Tax Deductible
Auto Rules
Travel and Meals Rules
Home Office Deductions
Paying Children as Employees
Self-Employed Health Insurance
QuickBooks Online
Setting up your Online Account
Linking your Bank Account and Importing Transactions
Entering Bank Transactions
Manually Entering Transactions
How to Save Receipts
Reconciling your Bank Account
Tax Identification Number
How to Run Reports
Details about Auto Expenses
Business Use of Home Reports
How Numbers will Be Reported on Your Tax Return
Self-employment Tax and Estimated Tax Payments
for just $97!
Purpose of tracking expenses
All things tracking details
Confidence in tax deductions for your business
Why tracking expenses in your online business is important
Details on what you should be tracking and tax deductions that are available to you as a business owner
Details on how to set up your QuickBooks account
How to enter transactions and reconcile a bank account
Walkthrough reports to run be ready for filing your tax return
Valuable information to save you thousands in taxes
25 Self-paced easy to digest lessons
Lifetime access to the course so you can refresh your skills whenever you want
Module 1: Purpose of Tracking Expenses Stay in control of your finances as an Independent Contractor with the easiest and most effective way to track your expenses
Module 2: All Things Tracking Details Demystify business expenses, from hobby loss rules to tax-deductible expenses, auto and travel rules, home office deductions, paying children as employees, and self-employed health insurance
Module 3: How to Track Your Expenses Streamline your expenses with QuickBooks Online: easily set up your account, link your bank, import transactions, enter bank transactions, save receipts, and effortlessly reconcile your bank account
Module 4: Preparing for Tax Return Preparation Master your taxes with ease: understand tax identification numbers, how to run reports, navigate auto expenses, business use of home reports, how numbers are reported on your tax return, and tackle self-employment tax and estimated tax payments All Rights Reserved @ 2023