Do you want to keep more money in

your business without selling more products or courses?

Transform your tax deductions and simplify your accounting

to maximize your income from your online business

Take Command of Your Business!

You know that in order to have a successful business, you need to understand how to treat your business like a business.

You don't know what can be treated as a business expense

You have no idea how much to save for taxes at the end of the year

You have a stack of receipts you think may be deductible, but you don't know what to do with them

You are afraid if you take the wrong deductions you will get audited by the IRS

You don't know how your business will affect your tax return and your tax liability.

You've heard there are good tax benefits with a home based business,

but you don't know what they are.

Is this you...?

You dread tax time because you feel unorganized, afraid you’re missing deductions, don't know how much you will owe, and don’t know the rules behind tax deductions so you are afraid to take them?

Are you an excited business owner who became overwhelmed and/or paralyzed by the accounting side of running your business?

Then this course is for you. You will leave feeling empowered and informed. No longer will you feel intimidated by the tax side of being self employed.

Can You Imagine...

being prepared to file your taxes and saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year without worries, stress, and feelings of being overwhelmed?

  • Understand the purpose of tracking your expenses

  • Learn WHY keeping good records is important

  • Turn personal expenses into tax deductible business expenses

  • Reduce stress about filing your taxes

Know What Expenses to Track and How to Track Them

  • With a better understanding of tax laws, you will know what expenses you can legally deduct

  • Learn what records to keep so you don't need to be afraid of an audit

  • Learn how to link your bank account to software to save time on data entry

  • Learn how to reconcile a bank account to know you are reporting all your expenses

Have Confidence in

Your Tax Deductions

  • Feel confident you are maximizing your income by taking all allowable tax deductions

  • Reduce stress for tax time because you are already prepared

  • Learn what to submit to your tax preparer

  • Share your new learned skills with confidence.

"I Made it My Passion to Help Women Run Their Businesses Effectively..."

so they can enjoy time with those they love and have experiences that create memories.

If you want to learn how to simplify your accounting processes, maximize your tax savings, and grow your business efficiently, I am the person to help you.

With over 25 years of experience doing small business bookkeeping and preparing tax returns, 21 years as a licensed CPA, and 10 combined years of experience in network marketing, I have the skills you need.

Accounting and taxes are a necessary part of running a business, but learning these skills will allow you to focus your time on what's most important.

Linda Tuttle

Certified Public Accountant


Let me give you a SNEAK PEEK...

See what's inside the course and what topics are covered

Here's how it all breaks down...

Here's what you can get inside the Accounting Workshop

for Online Business Owners

Module 1: Purpose of Tracking Expenses

  • Why it's important to track your expenses

  • You are an Independent Contractor

  • Easiest Way to Track Expenses

Module 2: All Things Tracking Details

  • What is a Business Expense?

  • Hobby Loss Rules

  • What Expenses Are Tax Deductible

  • Auto Rules

  • Travel and Meals Rules

  • Home Office Deductions

  • Paying Children as Employees

  • Self-Employed Health Insurance

Module 3: How to Track Your Expenses

  • QuickBooks Online

  • Setting up your Online Account

  • Linking your Bank Account and Importing Transactions

  • Entering Bank Transactions

  • Manually Entering Transactions

  • How to Save Receipts

  • Reconciling your Bank Account

Module 4: Preparing for Tax Return Preparation

  • Tax Identification Number

  • How to Run Reports

  • Details about Auto Expenses

  • Business Use of Home Reports

  • How Numbers will Be Reported on Your Tax Return

  • Self-employment Tax and Estimated Tax Payments



Tax Basics - Getting started

  • Purpose of tracking expenses

  • All things tracking details

  • Confidence in tax deductions for your business

  • Why tracking expenses in your online business is important

  • Details on what you should be tracking and tax deductions that are available to you as a business owner

  • Details on how to set up your QuickBooks account

  • How to enter transactions and reconcile a bank account

  • Walkthrough reports to run be ready for filing your tax return

  • Valuable information to save you thousands in taxes

  • Facebook group wall support for 8 weeks to ask your questions, four live group coaching sessions to get real time help with your questions

Details About The Program

You can watch the videos and go through the training at your own pace as you implement the skills taught and you can interact with me in the group wall to ask your individual questions.

You will also have access to live coaching calls with me.

I will teach you the skills to save more in taxes by implementing the information in this course than you will spend on the course itself.

Linda Tuttle

Certified Public Accountant


"It's no secret that the tax advantages

of direct sales is one of the best things about

the industry. I decided to purchase Linda's tax workshop because I know that if I stay up on the taxable deductions it can save my family thousands of dollars annually. Even after being in the industry for over 3 decades I learned something on every module. Her wisdom and experience was easy to follow and I loved that

I could go back and review things as they pertain to my situation. We saved a ton this year. In fact, this year with Linda's help we've gotten the largest tax refund that we've ever gotten! EVER!!”

-Marcella K

“Linda's insight inside the course gave me

the confidence and assurance that I can navigate the financial side of things in my new business.

She explains the tax benefits and write offs

in a systematic way to ensure we don't miss advantages we have as business owners.

I learned enough to better communicate with

a bookkeeper and accountant as well.

Prior to taking the course, I was a little bit frozen and not very organized. Now I know the direction I need to start moving in to take control of my business expenses and taxes write offs.

Thank you so much Linda!”

- Laurie A. All Rights Reserved @ 2022